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Contact NYU Tandon Alumni Relations
Phone: 646-997-3885
Fax: 646-997-3449
Office of Alumni Relations
Development & Alumni Relations
NYU Tandon School of Engineering
1 MetroTech Center, 19th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Frequently Asked Questions
What records are kept by the Office of Alumni Relations?
- The Office of Alumni Relations has records on all graduates of NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of New York, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and New York University School of Engineering and Science. Our database currently has accurate records on more than 40,000 living alumni. Non-graduates of the schools listed above who completed more than 24 credits may apply for membership in the Alumni Association. We generally do not keep records of non-graduates of the School of Engineering, unless requested.
What information will the Office of Alumni Relations release regarding my attendance at the School of Engineering?
- The Office of Alumni Relations does not release alumni information without the permission of the alumnus, except for the following: year of graduation, major, degree(s) awarded.
How can I get the address or contact information for a classmate?
- The Office of Alumni Relations does not release contact information without the permission of the alumnus. If we have contact information for the classmate, we will forward your message to them. Read our policy on the release of Polytechnic Alumni contact information.
How do I update my information?
- You can update your information online, call the Office of Alumni Relations at 646.997.3885, or e-mail us:
How do I make a donation to the School of Engineering?
- It's easy and simple. Visit our Giving page to learn how.
Can I get involved with the Alumni Association as a volunteer?
- Absolutely. We are happy you are interested in becoming an active member of the School of Engineering community. Please explore our many opportunities to get involved, or email us ( for more information.
How do I get a copy of my transcript or diploma?
- Please visit the Office of the Registrar for instructions.