Contact Information and FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions
Does the MS MOT program have a spring intake?
Yes, MS in Management of Technology does have spring intake. Please navigate to Tandon Graduate Admissions for all application deadlines.
Does NYU Tandon accept transfer students from different programs at different schools? If so, will my credits transfer?
A maximum of 9 credits may be accepted as transfer credits towards an MS or ME degree. Transfer credits must be approved by the student’s department, the Associate Dean for Graduate Academics, and the Office of the Registrar. Courses that have been counted towards an awarded undergraduate or graduate degree, whether taken at NYU or another institution, may not be transferred toward a master’s degree at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Credits submitted for consideration must be: 1) from accredited institutions; 2) consistent with NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s residency requirements; 3) completed with grades B or better; 4) consistent with the curriculum in which the student is registered; 5) taken after receipt of a bachelor’s degree, with the exception of NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s undergraduate students (See section: Transfer Policy Exceptions: NYU Tandon Undergraduate Students). Theses, projects and guided studies or readings courses cannot be transferred.
Please navigate to the NYU Tandon Bulletin: Graduate Academic Requirements for more information.
What is the cost of tuition for programs at NYU TMI?
The Bursar's Office provides all information and can answer all questions regarding the cost of tuition for all programs at NYU. For a breakdown of costs by school and program, please review the Tuition website.
What is the cohort size of the MOT program?
Cohort size varies year by year, with most students beginning in the fall semester. The average incoming class size is about 150.
Is prior work experience necessary for admission into the MOT and IE programs?
Work experience is not a mandatory requirement for admission, however, experience in the field is encouraged.
Do students work closely with technology start-ups in NYC?
NYU promotes the innovative ideas of students and provides start-up support through NYU Entrepreneurship. This initiative allows students to engage with start-ups throughout NYU and NYC, which can lead to job and internship opportunities.
Does NYU offer job placement? What types of jobs do new graduates typically find?
NYU does not directly place students into a job after graduation. Our goal is to supplement your existing experience and allow you to gain an advantage in the field with comprehensive coursework that supports professional development. NYU's networking portal, Handshake, and the Wasserman Career Center support career advancement for students and alumni. Tandon Career Hub's services are tailored to the specific needs of STEM students.
Upon graduation, there is a trend of alumni pursuing a careers in Financial Technology, Management Consulting, and Entrepreneurship.
Are TMI programs STEM programs?
Yes, all programs in the Department of TMI are STEM programs.
Are English Language Proficiency tests required for graduate international applicants?
All applicants to the NYU Tandon School of Engineering for graduate study must demonstrate excellent English language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension.
At least one English Language Proficiency exam is required for:
- All International applicants (those who have or will request a visa)
OR - Applicants whose first language is not English and/or who have not completed a bachelor’s degree in the United States.
Applicants may request a waiver of English Language Proficiency Testing for special cases by submitting a waiver request form. If you have only attended a US institution for four years and earned a bachelor’s degree, or two years, and earned a master’s degree, you will automatically be reviewed for a waiver and do not need to submit a waiver request form. If you have attended both a US school and a school outside of the US, please submit a waiver. This request will be reviewed only after transcripts have been received. For complete waiver and exam information, please review the Admissions Requirements website.
What are the minimum credits required per semester for full-time graduate study?
Full-time graduate students are required to register for a minimum of 9 credits per semester.
When can an international student complete an off-campus internship?
International students can do an internship only after completing two regular semesters of study (excluding summer). The earliest they may apply for an internship for credit is the first summer of their program.
Curriculum Related Questions
How is an online class (INET) taught and structured?
Online courses meet virtually through NYU Zoom. Course materials including the syllabus, assignments and other pertinent information are housed in the NYU Brightspace learning management system. Courses may include asynchronous and synchronous coursework which is determined and organized by the instructor.
What is a capstone project? Is it mandatory?
The MOT Capstone Project is an experiential learning component that pairs groups of students with corporate partners. Students bring the skills they have learned in the classroom to the market helping industry leaders utilize advancements in technology and entrepreneurship. It is a mandatory requirement towards completion of the MOT degree and cannot be waived. For full information about the MOT Capstone Project, including a directory of past student projects, please visit the website.
Can students take required courses outside of the Department?
Student are expected to complete required courses, included the Capstone Project for MOT students, within the offerings provided by the TMI Department.
Can students register for credits that exceed the degree requirements?
Yes, students can register for credits that exceed their degree requirements. However, graduate international students must complete their degree within two years. All extra credits count towards the final GPA.
What is a typical timeline for the MS MOT and IE programs?
Program timing is dependent on how the student chooses to schedule their courses and if they enroll as a full-time or part-time student. Generally, for full-time students, both the MOT and IE programs take 4 semesters, or 2 years, to complete. There are certain ways in which a student may be full-time and finish in 1.5 years, however, that relies on the academic plans made by students and their advisors.
What are the minimum credits required per semester for full-time graduate study?
Full-time graduate students are required to register for a minimum of 9 credits per semester.
How many credits do part-time graduate students register for per semester?
Part-time graduate students register for 3 - 8.5 credits per semester.