Technology, Culture and Society Faculty and Staff

The Department of Technology, Culture, and Society has a diverse and dynamic group of faculty members, eager to help you navigate our increasingly tech-driven society as a well-rounded, thoughtful human being.
Core Faculty
R. Luke DuBois
Technology, Culture and Society Department Co-Chair; Director, Integrated Design & Media; Associate Professor
Jean Gallagher
Technology, Culture and Society Department Co-Chair; Professor
Ahmed Ansari
Industry Assistant Professor
Jonathan Bain
Professor of Philosophy of Science
Tega Brain
Industry Associate Professor
Kristen Day
Vice Provost, Professor of Technology Culture and Society
De Angela Duff
Industry Professor and Associate Vice Provost
Teresa Feroli
Associate Professor; Chief Inclusivity Officer
Scott Fitzgerald
Industry Associate Professor, Academic Director of IDM, Global Network Arts Professor
Carla Gannis
Industry Professor
Danya Glabau
Industry Assistant Professor; Director, Science and Technology Studies minor; Director, Feminism and STEM minor; Director, Ethics and Technology curriculum; Affiliated Faculty, Department of Anthropology
Regine Gilbert
Industry Assistant Professor; James Weldon Johnson Professor
Allan B. Goldstein
Senior Lecturer
Elizabeth Hénaff
Assistant Professor
Amy Hurst
Associate Professor, Director of Ability Project
Margaret (Maggie) Jack
Industry Assistant Professor
James Lewis
Senior Lecturer
Sylvia Marks
Kathleen McDermott
Industry Assistant Professor
David Parisi
Dibner Family Professor of the History and Philosophy of Technology and Science; Associate Professor in the Department of Technology, Culture, and Society
Donald Phillips
Senior Lecturer
Benedetta Piantella
Industry Associate Professor
Mark Skwarek
Industry Associate Professor
Jonathan Soffer
Research Faculty and Staff
Mariela Alfonzo
Research Assistant Professor
Emeritus Faculty
Lester Bumas
Professor Emeritus
Duane DeVries
Professor Emeritus
Anne Eisenberg
Professor Emeritus
Louis Menashe
Professor Emeritus
David Mermelstein
Professor Emeritus
F. David Mulcahy
Professor Emeritus
Thomas Settle
Professor Emeritus
Harold Sjursen
Professor Emeritus
Richard Wener
Professor Emeritus
Paulette Bancroft
Program Coordinator
Gabriella Cammarata
Studio Research Coordinator
Elton Kwok
Technology Director, Integrated Digital Media
Eric Maiello
Administrative Director, Integrated Design and Media
Julia Louise Olson
Administrative Director
Kazi Rahman
Program Administrator
Jenelle Woodrup
Administrative Manager; Adjunct Professor
Zhenwei Lyu
Program Administrator, Integrated Design and Media