Degrees and Programs
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering, B.S.
Computer engineers develop products that touch nearly every part of our lives, from sending e-mails from cell phones to reconstructing genomes. That’s just the kind of invention & innovation the School of Engineering encourages.
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Electrical Engineering, B.S.
From the subway systems beneath our cities to the HD televisions on our walls, innovations by electrical engineers touch every aspect of modern life, but new challenges await the electrical engineers of tomorrow.
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Electrical and Computer Engineering, B.S.
Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering are both extremely pertinent in today's high technology and global world, and this program gives students opportunities to garner knowledge from both disciplines.
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Computer Engineering, M.S.
Computer engineering makes it possible for us to telecommute from home and check our e-mail on the go, and even reconstruct genomes and conceive software to make businesses more efficient.
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Electrical Engineering, M.S.
The headphones around your neck, the turn signal in your car, in fact, all electronic devices — each of these was made possible by an electrical engineer.
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Electrical and Computer Engineering, PhD
The Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering program is filled with students and faculty who prize the School of Engineering's emphasis on invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship through top-flight laboratories and a fierce dedication to advanced research.
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